Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A very circular answer

Him: How do I create an appointment and invite people to it from my iPhone calendar?
Me: Go to your iPhone calendar and create an appointment, then where it says "Invitees", add the people you would like at the appointment.

Answering this questions was almost a plagiarism upon the question itself. Meditate on that too long and your brain will turn into a black hole. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Some instructions are too hard to follow

Seriously. "Email the information to me, do not leave a voice mail" is just too damned hard to do. Today I've dealt with four separate people who I know for a fact are capable of emailing people, however prefer to leave voicemails. I've blogged about this before, but I'm frustrated to do it again.

Each person insists on leaving a voicemail with a good deal of information that is very difficult to understand in voice form. They insist on spending more time and effort on the voicemail than a simple one sentence email.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Simple solution

Today is the seventh time I've had to show a worker drone how to organize files by name. The worker adamantly refuses to use the "detail" view and cannot be bothered to right-click the white space within the folder view to select sort by name.

This has been going on for months at a rate of about once every week. The worker insists that someone is messing with her network drive and screwing up the order of things. Those in the biz know that servers don't care about the order in which files are stored because they don't store things in the way that humans think they would.

Then it occurred to me. Clearly this person has no concept or understanding of the alphabet. Maybe they're just looking at their keyboard and figuring 'Q' comes first and 'M' is last. I suppose I'll have to figure out how to get Windows how to organize by QWERTY.