Tuesday, February 1, 2011

When power can't make things happen

Some people have reached a point in life where people grovel at their feet (figuratively speaking, or perhaps literally). I know many such people. Some of them believe they've hit the sub-godhood stage where their will can make the untrue true. I spoke to one of them today.

Him: I spilled some water on my keyboard this morning. It's being really slow and not very responsive.
Me: Okay. Water can move around very quickly in portable electronics. What I need you to do is power off the laptop, remove the battery and let it sit in a dry area for at least two days. If you keep using it, it is very likely to become too damaged to recover, if it isn't already.
Him: No. I can't do that. Have [my boss] call me with something else.

1 comment:

  1. Also, I left my briefcase there. Can you fax that to me?
