I don't like talking through people. Especially assistants who don't understand what they're saying. Today's conversation was just such a conversation... Between me, the assistant (we'll just abbreviate that later) and the guy in charge.
Her: His Blackberry ran out of batteries last night. He doesn't know why, but it's charging now.
This guy is so self-involved, so voluntarily disconnected from reality that he has actually allowed himself to forget how batteries work. I was almost enraged by this, but I kept my cool.
Anyway. For the rest of the conversation here is what I said, and what she said to him. She's just trying to be diplomatic and make things sound easier for him to take. The problem was that the blackberry is encrypted and when it loses power the thing has to access the SD card again, which is supposed to be automatic, but this time it asked for a password.
Me: The password it wants is to access the memory card. Just put in the device unlock password.
Her to him: You have to put in your email password.
Me: No. That's not what I said. He has to put in the password he uses every time his PHONE locks up.
Her to him: You have to put in your unlock password for the phone.
(at this point he's confused... says it's not working. Decides to restart the phone)
Me: The memory card is encrypted, so it should be the same password. Just put the unlock password in both times and it should be fine.
Her to him: He said the memory card has to reboot, too....
Her to me: He put in his password and nothing is happening.
Me: So he put in his password and you still see the password box?
Her to me: It's running really slow.
Me: Okay, but do you still see the password box?Her to me: It's just running slow.
(this incoherent babble of hers runs on for a few minutes. I assumed that "running slow" meant that it accepted the password)
Her to me: It's still running really slow. The emails are coming in.
Me: That's supposed to happen. It's downloading the emails from the server. Everything is fine.
Her to him: He said that it's supposed to happen.
Her to me: He said that it's running really slow.
Me: It's fine. Just let the emails come in and it'll work like normal.
Her to him: He said that it's just updating and will be fine soon.
Hey, she got one right!