User: My system isn't working, what's wrong?
Me: There is a problem with your account on that program's website. You'll have to call them directly to get it corrected as our internal IT has no control over that system. The phone number is ___. If that doesn't work or they can't help please call me right back and I'll get it fixed.
(one hour passes and I get a phone call)
Boss's boss's boss: Why didn't you fix User's problem?
Me: I believe I did.
Bbb: Well User just called and told me you blew them off.
Me: That's not the case at all. I told User exactly what to do and requested that User call me back immediately if there is a problem.
Bbb: User told me that you rattled off a phone number and told her "good luck". Is this the kind of customer service you give?
Me: I instructed User to call me back if there was any problems, and my phone has not rung in the last hour. If User can't follow those instructions then I think you're either being lied to by User or you may have an employee that needs to be replaced...
Bbb:... Just call User and get it fixed.